Aaron Westerberg
Pink Kimono
Oil Painting on Panel
Artwork Size: 30" x 21"
Size w/ Frame: 38" x 29"
Aaron Westerberg
Oil Painting on Panel
Artwork Size: 30" x 21"
Size w/ Frame: 38" x 29"
~In this work the young woman is envisioning herself in the next stage of her life and the responsibilities she will ultimately take on. She is tentative about this inevitable move. She enjoys the freedom and frivolity of her youth. She is indecisive
Kimono stands for formality, culture and tradition. The color Pink represents youth, care free fun, femininity. Boots portray stubbornness and youthfulness. As for the Pose, she is seated yet could be getting ready to get up and stand. She is in between thoughts
the best place to watch dry