Artist: Stacy Barter
Lemons on Cascading Cloth
Oil Painting on Panel
Artwork Size: 8" x 6"
Size w/ Frame: 12.5" x 10.5"

Oil Painting on Panel
Artwork Size: 8" x 6"
Size w/ Frame: 12.5" x 10.5"
Artist: Stacy Barter
This exquisite still life oil painting, 'Lemons on Cascading Cloth', brings a touch of opulence to any room. Its intricate detail and vibrant colors evoke a sense of luxury, while its subtle blend of warm and cool tones balance beauty and sophistication. Enhance your home with a timeless classic.
Lemons on Cascading Cloth is framed as shown.
Contact the gallery directly for alternate frame options.
the best place to watch paint dry