Eileen Power

Artist Eileen Power’s paintings are about space, energy, and the paint. While her work is greatly influenced by “place”, reflecting the light, color and atmosphere where they are made, the soul of the work is internal and drawn from personal memories and relationships and the feelings generated by such. While the color sets the mood the shapes tell the story.

Read Eileen Power Artist Bio and Features.

Recent work has been a celebration of women and the exploration between femininity and strength. A self-taught artist, Eileen’s formal education in business management did little to prepare her for this satisfying career. Yet, all she is and all she’s done finds its way into her work. Eileen has had the good fortune to work with a number of master teachers including Ms. Chery Baird of Atlanta and Steven Aimone of Asheville, NC and Monhegan Island, ME.

Eileen currently works from her home studio in Atlanta. She has won numerous awards in juried exhibitions in the Southeast and her work hangs in corporate and private collections.

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Marshview 6 by Eileen Power at LePrince Galleries
Folly by Eileen Power at LePrince Galleries
John's Island 3 by Eileen Power at LePrince Galleries
Marsh View 5 by Eileen Power at LePrince Galleries
Marsh View IV by Eileen Power at LePrince Galleries
Marsh View I by Eileen Power at LePrince Galleries
Nautical Vibe III by Eileen Power at LePrince Galleries
Nautical Vibe II by Eileen Power at LePrince Galleries
Children's Beach II by Eileen Power at LePrince Galleries